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How to solve linear equations – including word problems

How to solve linear equations .. some of them you’ll solve without really thinking about!

Suppose you bought a CD for £8 and then two books at the same price. The total cost is £25 and, with a little bit of arithmetic, you might work out the price of each book is £8.50.

Mathematicians like to call these “linear equations” and they look something like:

2B + 8 = 25

(where ‘B’ stands for ‘books’)

Working with linear equations can get a little complex and there are a couple of rules:

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Most of the exam questions for linear equations are based on

They are all much the same and usually involve comparing two offers.

Here’s some brief notes:

Mobile phones

Always a favourite and goes something like

“A plan costs £30 per month plus 1p per message – write a linear equation”

The monthly cost would be: 0.01 x total messages + 30 or, tidying up and written as a linear equation:

£ = 0.01M + 30

(Note the conversion to the same units ie 1p per message = £0.01 per message)

Temperature conversion

Converting Fahrenheit into degrees Celsius is an example of a linear function. You need to subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit and the multiply the result by 5/9. There are a couple of different ways of writing this formula but it amounts to the same calculation.


Degrees C = (5/9) x (F – 32)


Degrees C = (F – 32) / 1.8


Something along the lines of

“You get paid £8 per hour and work for ‘x’ hours per week. Tax is 8% of your pay. Write a linear equation to describe your pay.”

Which means

Total pay = 8’x’ – 8%

or, tidying up:

Total Pay = 0.92 ( 8 ‘x’ )

as it’s neater to multiply by 0.92, which is the decimal equivalent of 100% – 8% … although the first equation is fine.


Fairly typically a currency conversion such as dollars $ to pounds £. As of beginning October 2012 there were $1.6074 to the £ so a linear equation would be:

£ = 1.6074 x $

or, tidying up:

£ = 1.6074$


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How to solve linear equations

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How to solve linear equations with ‘x’ on both sides

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