This video is all about how to simplify algebraic fractions.
(x² – 25) / x² + 7x + 10
The question is aimed at around grade 6+ GCSE maths.
Top Tips!
- Always work down the page, with the equals sign in the middle
- Show each stage of your calculation
- Learn to read right to left … sometimes it’s easier to keep the value of x on the right hand side of an equation
- Think about factorising, so you can simplify the equation
- Try to keep a positive value of x
- Is your answer reasonable?
Simplify algebraic fractions questions appear in all the main examination boards, including Edexcel, AQA and OCR. They are popular and, once you have the basic principles, fairly similar. Please do stop the video, try the question and compare your solution!
Here’s some additional posts if you would like more detail and practice questions.
If you would like to find out more try these!
Simplify an algebra fraction using factorising
Expand brackets and simplify mid-level GCSE maths algebra
Here’s a playlist with some more examples
Please do leave a comment below if you are not sure. Alternately you can view my YouTube channel and leave a comment there – I’ll always try to respond as quickly as possible.
Watch the video on YouTube – Simplifying Algebraic Fractions
hi simon it would be happy if u come up with basics algerba .in ur way
(happy smiling)
great help cheers
What if you have p-square minus 4 all over p-square?
Thanks this video is brillliant! 🙂 I have an exam tommorow!!
Have you got any complicated examples of factorising?
thanks, that was very useful!, textbooks can’t explain it good enough.
Thanks again!
Man you just saved my life.
Thanks really helpful
I understand the way to simplify algebraic fractions a bit more now
very good
hey Simon what you taught (cancelling algebraic fractions) does it apply
even if the plus and minus symbols are arranged PS thanks for the video it
helped 😉
GCSEs this year, just done my mocks and this is one of the topics I messed
up on. Thanks for the help!
Kinda easy with you
Tis all good, but can you do Advanced?
oh and yes your 3 minute videos are great!
thank you this video has helped so much my maths exam is in 4 hours and
this is about all i know ahah youve made it really easy to learn!! 🙂
I’m lost, no link in the description as stated.
Maths exam tomorrow 🙁 this was so helpful, thanks 🙂
could you please explain why you do not divide (x-5) and (x+2) by x-5 like
you did to cancel out the others because i thought you would have to divide
all the numbers by x-5
apart from this minor confusion thanks a lot because it really helped
Best explanation I have seen. Thanks.
Came across EXACTLY the same question in my maths exam with exactly the
same digits…
No prob and glad to help 🙂
nice one mate
Hi – there’s a couple of videos on the channel. Try How to factorise
algebra formulas – foundation level, How to factorise algebra formulas –
cross method or How to factorise algebra formulas – higher GCSE cross
method. I hope they help and thanks for your comment. All best S
i wanna know how the steps to factorize a problem…Thank you..
good video its jus tht rembering all the methods to math problems can be
stressful how do yu do it…
Hi – that’s great and glad it helped 🙂
Really helps, thanks!