Learning how to subtract or takeaway numbers, is an important foundational skill. Learn these, practice them and always keep to the same methods!
There are 6 main numeracy skills that will help with your maths. Click here to read more.
Click here to visit subtraction skills, multiplication skills, divisions skills videos.
One of the problems with learning how to subtract or takeaway numbers (and maths in general) is the words that are used. Here are a few examples, and all of them mean the same thing!
- takeaway
- fewer than
- difference
- decrease
- how many more
- remains
- what’s left?
- less
Subtraction is the opposite of addition – actually the inverse – and it’s a good idea to practice some of the methods shown below. Remember that you need to be careful to subtract in the correct order and understand the calculation required. 7 – 3 is not the same as 3 – 7.
Using a numberline
Formal column method
Popular column method
.. and a bit of a cheat for the popular column method.. for when there are some zeros to deal with..
The most usual use of learning how to subtract or takeaway numbers is balancing your bank account, family budget, paying bills. It’s useful to estimate the calculation – particularly if you are shopping(!).
It’s a good idea to practice estimation skills by subtracting to the nearest unit each time, perhaps when you are shopping. See how close you can get to the final answer. .
Read the post on developing estimation skills.
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