How to reflect shapes on a mirror line or x axis, y axis, co-ordinate grid, graph or even cartesian plane - it's all pretty much the same. The biggest problem isn't really the reflection.. it's more making sure that you've correctly identified the 'mirror line.' This can cause a few problems and a little confusion. The easiest way is to actually plot a couple of points on … [Read more...]
How to do math translations
How to do math translations .. isn't the easiest name for a blog post but, in the interests of good keyword research, these seem to be the kind of words that have been typed into Google. I guess that's just the way some maths topics are presented, perhaps just a little awkward to search for information in a way that works for you. Either way I'm glad you're here! Math … [Read more...]
How to write numbers in standard form
How to write numbers in standard form or scientific notation .. is becoming quite popular as an exam question. The whole idea is to be able to use a common method that is easy to communicate. The problem with numbers is all the zero's - while it can look impressive on a maths paper, there's a huge difference between 14 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (that's 27 zeros) and … [Read more...]
GCSE practice papers
Here's a range of older curriculum GCSE practice papers. View YouTube videos here for new 9-1 grade. I'll add the answer papers soon, although I'm sure you're working through plenty of practice exam papers. Here's 6 tips to help you answer maths word problems and developing independent learning skills. You never know, you might be heading for one of 10 seriously brilliant … [Read more...]
Solving Linear Equations
Solving linear equations is the first step on your algebra journey.. This series of 3 minute math is designed as a quick reminder for some of the main topics. I hope they help to provide a focus and a way forward. If you need any more detail please search the site or contact me – always pleased to answer any questions! All the very best with your … [Read more...]