Recurring decimals to fractions questions seem to appear fairly frequently on GCSE papers - especially non calculator, if there is some degree of cancelling down required. You need to be able to follow the same sort of method each time, but be prepared for occasional arithmetic. The whole idea is to create a way of subtracting two values of 'n' in order to get rid of the … [Read more...]
nth term of a quadratic sequence – GCSE maths level 8 onwards
nth term of a quadratic sequence questions ... can seem extremely difficult, although in this video, I've tried to give you a fairly straightforward method to use. If you apply the same idea each time, you should be able to calculate an expression for the nth term with most of the questions in GCSE maths. The whole idea is that you are creating an expression with the … [Read more...]
Quadratic formula ‘show that’ questions GCSE level 7
Quadratic formula questions ... ... are usually something along the lines of: solve 2x2 - 5x - 6 = 0 and you are asked to 'give your answer to 2 decimal places.' This usually means that you will need to use the quadratic formula: Here's a link to a playlist with a number of different examples. However you might also get questions asking you to 'show that.' … [Read more...]
Volume question with algebra – Level 4 GCSE maths
Volume question with algebra These types of questions are all about working out a volume using algebra. They tend to be aimed at around level 4 GCSE maths and it's really about reading, and re- reading, the question until you are sure what they are asking. Volume is better calculated as area x depth and, with a triangular prism you need to remember that: area of a … [Read more...]
Simplify an algebra fraction using factorising
Algebra Fractions using factorising These questions are all about how to simplify algebra fractions and are popular on non calculator GCSE maths papers. They are either straightforward ... or fairly difficult. The example in the picture shows the bottom expression as "2x squared ..." and that type of question would be considered quite challenging. Here's some videos to … [Read more...]